
AVPreserve Second Lining It To SAA 2013

August 8, 2013

AVPreserve Senior Consultant Joshua Ranger and Digital & Metadata Preservation Specialist Alex Duryee will be attending the Society of American Archivists 2013 Annual Meeting in New Orleans next week.

Josh will be presenting on the panel “Streamlining Processing of Audiovisual Collections” (Session 309) on Friday morning along with expert colleagues from the Library of Congress and UCLA. He will be discussing approaches AVPreserve uses in processing collections and performing assessments as outlined in his white paper “What’s Your Product”, as well as the AVCC and Catalyst tools we have developed to support efficient inventory creation.

Alex will be presenting in Tuesday’s Research Forum “Foundations and Innovations” on the topic of compiling and providing access to large sets of email correspondence.

We’re excited to be contributing as members of SAA this year and look forward to seeing friends old and new. We love to chat about media archiving, so look for us and stop and talk — it will be too hot to do anything else in NOLA. And oh yeah, buttons